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Search results for epsilon,2123 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2123
Translated headword: hurrying, pressing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is in a hurry.
The Pisidian [says]: "see that he renders to the hurrying messengers the accounts of the debts and the interests."[1]
The one who demands a shellfish is also called "hurrying".[2]
Greek Original:*)epei/kths: o( katepei/gwn. *pisi/dhs: o(/pws u(fe/cei toi=s e)pei/ktais a)gge/lois tou\s sullogismou\s tw=n xrew=n kai\ tw=n to/kwn. *)epei/kths le/getai kai\ o( th\n kogxu/lhn a)paitw=n.
Noun derived from the verb
e)pei/gw (
epsilon 2114). The headword is also attested as a title meaning "collector" in Egyptian papyri of the 4th C. CE --
P.Oxy. 1413.25, 1428.3 (
e)pi/kths) -- a meaning which might be appropriate in the context of the quotation.
[1] George of
Pisidia (PG 92 1197 ff.),
Hexaemeron 1480-1 (= fr.93); more fully at
lambda 398.
[2] A 'shellfish' (
kogxu/lh) can mean 'a trifle' (see
kappa 1900), and that is probably the sense here. On shellfish generally see
kappa 1901.
Keywords: Christianity; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; food; law; poetry; religion; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 3 October 2006@06:03:03.
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