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Search results for epsilon,2096 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2096
Translated headword: was raising the price
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] increased the price.[1]
"And they, intending to make a profit, were raising the price of the food as though he were starving. But he nevertheless bought it." Malchos says [this].[2]
Greek Original:*)epeti/ma: e)phu/cei th\n timh/n. oi( de\ kerdai/nein oi)o/menoi e)peti/mwn w(s limw/ttonti to\n si=ton. o( de\ ou)de\n h(=tton h)go/raze. *ma/lxos fhsi/n.
cf. generally
epsilon 672,
epsilon 2703.
[1] Likewise in
Platonic Lexicon. The headword must be quoted from somewhere, but is not extant in
Plato. Arguably the best-known instance of the headword, in the
New Testament (
Mark 3.12), does not bear the sense glossed here.
[2] Malchos fr.21 FHG (4.132).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; daily life; definition; economics; food; historiography; religion
Translated by: Emily Rossow on 27 September 2006@03:22:02.
Vetted by:William Hutton (modified translation, added note and keywords) on 27 September 2006@03:24:03.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics; raised status) on 27 September 2006@06:05:23.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1; more keywords) on 7 October 2012@06:07:56.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 22 December 2014@00:40:34.
David Whitehead (coding) on 23 January 2016@10:29:01.
No. of records found: 1
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