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Search results for epsilon,2090 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2090
Translated headword: was toppled
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Some [say it means he/she/it] 'was torn apart', others 'was rotted', or 'withered after suffering untimely atrophy'.[1]
Greek Original:*)epesfa/laken: oi( me\n e)spa/sqh, oi( de\ e)sa/ph, h)\ para\ kairo\n a)trofh=san e)mara/nqh.
The entry is taken from
Platonic Lexicon 986a line 22, though -- as is often the case with that mis-titled work -- the headword does not occur in the extant corpus of
The form, if from
e)pisfa/llw, as the translation of the headword assumes, would seem to be a soloecistic aorist passive. On the other hand, it could be a scribal lapse: a suspiciously similar set of definitions is given for
a)pesfake/lisen (in a fragment of
Aristophanes) at
alpha 3075.
[1] This phrase is also quoted at
alpha 4392.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 30 September 2006@07:18:34.
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