[Meaning he/she/it] was travelling before.
*)epepolei=to: e)peporeu/eto.
Same entry in
Synagoge epsilon610 and
Photius epsilon1425 Theodoridis; similar one in
Lexica Segueriana 227.20, where this headword is glossed with a different word,
e)ph/rxeto, 'was going before'. Apparently all this derives from commentary to
Homer, where the same word spelled with an omega (
e)pepwlei=to) occurs four times in the formulaic phrase
e)pepwlei=to sti/xas a)ndrw=n ('was passing before the ranks of men'):
Iliad 4.231 (web address 1), 4.250, 11.264, 11.540. All other attestations of this word come in commentary on these passages or in literary echoes of the same formulaic phrase. Apollonios Sophistes (
Homeric Lexicon 71.12) and
Hesychius (epsilon4427) combine the Homeric spelling of the headword with the gloss used by the Suda.
The confusion probably stems from the fact that in the age of lexicography omicron and omega were homophonous, and is compounded by the fact that the form is evidently related to the family
pe/lomai /
pole/omai, and the omega occurs in
Homer either for metrical reasons or because the verb is a frequentative derivative; cf. Chantraine s.v.
pe/lomai, Schwyzer 1.720.
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