*)epepai/xein: u(persunteliko/s, to\ e)nepai/xqhn. *)epepe/xein de\ e)pepe/xeisan. e)k tou= pe/kw, to\ kteni/zw.
Apparently the main point of this entry is to differentiate similar forms of the verbs
pai/zw ('play') and
pe/kw ('card'), but also to explicate the rare pluperfect personal ending
-ein. This is usually taken by modern grammars as an first-person or third-person singular ending, but it is unclear whether the lexicographer understands it that way. The ending of the first gloss,
e)nepai/xqhn, is first-person singular, whereas the second gloss,
e)pepe/xeisan, is third-person plural. There is much disagreement in the manuscipts, however, over the forms of these words. Adler compares three entries in the unedited
Ambrosian Lexicon (1679-80 and 1576).
epsilon 2019,
epsilon 2112 and
pi 918.
[1] Here an aorist passive form is used to gloss a pluperfect active.
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