*)/epaisen: e)/tuyen, e)/krousen. e)/paise de\ to\n i(/ppon th=| lo/gxh|.
[1] The headword is aorist active, third person singular, of
pai/w. Up to this point the entry =
Lexica Segueriana 226.3; cf.
Hesychius pi109. Adler also cites the
Ambrosian Lexicon (1665). The headword might be extracted from the quotation given here, though there are numerous other, and arguably better, alternatives, from Attic tragedy onwards. For example, a scholion to the instance in
Agamemnon 1007, has the first of these glosses.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable in this precise form, but perhaps [WH] a paraphrase or alternative account of an incident described in
Pyrrhus 16.15 (the Italian cavalry-commander Hoplax strikes P.'s horse:
pai/ei me\n au)to\s tw=| do/rati tou= basile/ws to\n i(/ppon).
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