[Meaning he/she/it] had been spoken well of.
*)epaiw/nisto: eu)fh/misto.
The headword is apparently an alternative form of the pluperfect indicative middle/passive, third person singular, of
paiwni/zw ('sing Paeans for', 'hymn', 'celebrate';
pi 884). Canonically the form should be
e)pepaiw/nisto (cf.
epsilon 2062). The form given here is attested only once elsewhere (apart from the derivative entry in ps.-
Zonaras): Gregorius Pardus,
Commentarium in Hermogenis librum Peri methodou deinotetos 7.1.1246.8.
The original form of this entry may well be preserved in
Hesychius epsilon4420:
e)pefh/misto. There the headword is in the expected form, though the gloss is somewhat troubling:
e)pefh/misto, from
fhmi/zw should mean 'had been uttered' without any celebratory connotation. On the other hand, the Suda's
eu)fh/misto would normally mean 'had been kept in ritual silence.'
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