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Headword: *)epau/lia
Adler number: epsilon,1990
Translated headword: sleepover
Vetting Status: high
It is called [sleepover] since it is then for the first time that the bride sleeps over in the house of the groom. Activities on the day after the one on which the wedding is held are also called 'sleepover', from the fact that the gifts from the father of the bride are carried to the groom and the bride in the form of a parade. For a boy leads the way, holding a white cloak and a lit lamp, then after him a basket-bearer, then the remaining [sc. womenfolk] follow in order carrying gold things, basins, ointments, litters, combs, couches, alabaster jars, sandals, chests, perfume jars. Sometimes they also carry the dowry to the groom at the same time. But some say that the second day after the wedding is called 'sleepover': the day on which the bride first sleeps over with the groom.
But a 'sleeping-place' e)pau/lion [is] an apartment.[1] Concerning Hekale, after she has died: "go, gentle one among women, along the road which spirit-vexing griefs do not traverse. Often we will mention, mother, your hospitable hut, for it was a sleeping-place for all in common."[2]
Greek Original:
*)epau/lia le/getai, kaqo/son e)n th=| tou= numfi/ou oi)ki/a| h( nu/mfh to/te prw=ton e)phu/listai. kalei=tai d' e)pau/lia kai\ ta\ meta\ th\n e)xome/nhn h(me/ran tw=n ga/mwn para\ tou= th=s nu/mfhs patro\s dw=ra fero/mena tw=| numfi/w| kai\ th=| nu/mfh| e)n pomph=s sxh/mati. pai=s ga\r h(gei=tai xlani/da leukh\n e)/xwn kai\ lampa/da kaiome/nhn, e)/peita meta\ tou=ton kanhfo/ros, ei)=q' ai( loipai\ a)kolouqou=sin e)fech=s fe/rousai xrusi/a, lekani/das, smh/gmata, forei=a, kte/nas, koi/tas, a)laba/strous, sanda/lia, qh/kas, mura/leiptra. e)ni/ote de\ kai\ th\n proi=ka a(/ma tw=| numfi/w| fe/rousin. oi( de/ fasin e)pau/lia th\n deute/ran meta\ tou\s ga/mous h(me/ran kalei=sqai, e)n h(=| prw=ton e)pauli/zetai tw=| numfi/w| h( nu/mfh. *)epau/lion de\ monh/. peri\ *(eka/lhs qanou/shs: i)/qi prhei=a gunaikw=n th\n o(do/n, h(\n a)ni/ai qumalge/es ou) pero/wsi. polla/ki sei=o, mai=a, filoce/noio kalih=s mnhso/meqa: cuno\n ga\r e)pau/lion e)/sken a(/pasin.
Similar entries (for the main part of this) in other lexica and grammars.
[1] cf. generally under sigma 1147. (This has no connection with what now follows.)
[2] Callimachus, Hekale fr. 263, with scholion.
James Redfield, 'Notes on the Greek wedding', Arethusa 15 (1982) 181-201, at 193-4.
Robert Garland, The Greek Way of Life (1990) 221.
Keywords: botany; children; clothing; daily life; definition; economics; gender and sexuality; law; mythology; poetry; religion; stagecraft; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 18 October 2006@18:07:27.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplied notes and bibliography; added more keywords; cosmetics) on 19 October 2006@03:25:13.
David Whitehead (another note) on 1 October 2012@05:30:48.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 12 July 2017@10:42:50.


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