It is construed with a dative. "They went up on the mountain."[1] Also with a genitive: "[he] trying to go up on such [parts] of the ship."[2]
*)epanabai/nw: dotikh=| sunta/ssetai. oi( de\ e)pane/bainon tw=| o)/rei. kai\ genikh=|: e)panabai/nein tw=n toiou/twn th=s new\s peirw/menos.
Lexicon Syntacticum Laurentianum 36.3 also says that this verb is construed with the dative and the genitive, but cf.
epsilon 1958.
The entry is absent from ms.T.
[1] Quotation (also in ps.-
Zonaras) unidentifiable.
[2] For this section on the use of the genitive Adler cites
Syntacticum Gudianum. The quotation is, again, unidentifiable (but cf. Lucian,
Toxaris 6:
e)panabai/nein peirw/menoi). This part of the entry is absent from mss.F and V.
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