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Search results for epsilon,1935 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1935
Translated headword: imposed oath
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning the one] which someone takes on himself willingly, that is, chooses. But others [define it as] the opposite: the one that is externally imposed and not self-selected. There are three kinds of oath: swearing not to do something, swearing to do something,[1] and imposed.
Greek Original:*)epakto\s o(/rkos: o(\n a)/n tis au)to\s e(kw\n e(autw=| e)pa/ghtai, toute/stin ai(rh=tai. a)/lloi de\ tou)nanti/on, o( a)llaxo/qen e)pifero/menos, a)ll' ou)k au)qai/retos. e)/sti de\ o(/rkou tri/a ei)/dh: a)pw/motos, katw/motos, e)pakto/s.
Keywords: definition; law; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 November 2000@06:53:35.
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