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Headword: *(/ews ou(= a)ntanaireqh=| h( selh/nh
Adler number: epsilon,1905
Translated headword: until the moon is removed
Vetting Status: high
Meaning the whole time of the present life.[1] But in "until I make your enemies your footstool," the "until" is not temporal, but an idiom of the Scripture.[2] For thus God also speaks through the prophet: "I am, I am, and until you grow old, I am."[3] It is obvious that the old age of mankind does not limit the existence of God.
Greek Original:
*(/ews ou(= a)ntanaireqh=| h( selh/nh: a)nti\ tou= pa/nta tou= paro/ntos bi/ou to\n xro/non. to\ de/, e(/ws a)\n qw= tou\s e)xqrou/s sou u(popo/dion tw=n podw=n sou: ou) xroniko/n e)sti to\ e(/ws, a)ll' i)di/wma th=s grafh=s. ou(/tw ga\r kai\ dia\ tou= profh/tou fhsi\n o( qeo/s: e)gw/ ei)mi, e)gw/ ei)mi, kai\ e(/ws a)\n kataghra/shte, e)gw/ ei)mi. dh=lon de\ o(/ti ou) periori/zetai to\ ei)=nai tou= qeou= to\ gh=ras tw=n a)nqrw/pwn.
cf. epsilon 1904, epsilon 1906.
[1] Psalm 71.7 LXX, with Theodoret's commentary thereon (PG 80, 1433c).
[2] Psalm 109.1 LXX, with Theodoret's commentary thereon (PG 80, 1768c).
[3] Isaiah 46.4 LXX.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 December 2001@23:46:10.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 30 August 2002@08:50:07.
David Whitehead (x-refs; another keyword) on 27 September 2012@04:01:36.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 18 January 2016@08:31:06.


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