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Search results for epsilon,1904 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(/ews
Adler number: epsilon,1904
Translated headword: until, before, while
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] in so much, in what [time].[1]
We often find this first e(/ws in the Scripture and used in reference to continuity; as in "while I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."[2] It is continuous. Also, "the dove did not return to Noah before the earth was dried up."[3] In the end, it did not return. Also, "'while you grow old, I am,' says God."[4] It also is continuous. And many other such [instances] are found scattered in the divine Scripture. Thus also you must understand what is said in the divine prophecies: "before she bore her son".[5] Not as if after this (as the Jews who lack grace blasphemously assert) intercourse had occurred between the betrothed man and the virgin.
Greek Original:
*(/ews: e)n tosou/tw|, e)n o(/sw|. pro/teron tou=to to\ e(/ws para\ th=| grafh=| kai\ e)pi\ tou= dihnekou=s polla/kis eu(ri/skomen kei/menon: w(s to/, e(/ws a)\n qw= tou\s e)xqrou/s sou u(popo/dion tw=n podw=n sou. kai\ e)/sti dihneke/s. kai/, ou)k a)ne/streyen h( peristera\ pro\s to\n *nw=e, e(/ws tou= chranqh=nai th\n gh=n. kai\ ei)s to\ pantele\s ou)k a)ne/streye. kai/, e(/ws a)\n kataghra/shte, e)gw/ ei)mi: fhsi\n o( qeo/s. kai\ e)/sti dihnekw=s. kai\ a)/lla toiau=ta polla\ spora/dhn e)n th=| qei/a| eu(ri/sketai grafh=|. ou(/tw kai\ to\ e)n toi=s qei/ois xrhsmoi=s ei)rhme/non noh/seis: e(/ws ou(= e)/teke to\n ui(o\n au(th=s. ou)x w(s meta\ tau=ta [w(s blasfhmou=sin oi( a)xa/ristoi *)ioudai=oi] sunafei/as tw=| mnhsth=ri pro\s th\n parqe/non gegenhme/nhs.
[1] cf. epsilon 1905, epsilon 1906. What follows comes from Isidore of Pelusium, Epistle 1.18 (PG 78.192-3); his point is to assert Mary's perpetual virginity.
[2] Psalm 109.1 LXX.
[3] Genesis 8.7.
[4] Isaiah 46.4.
[5] Matthew 1.25 (not identified by Adler).
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 1 March 2006@12:32:11.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 2 March 2006@03:33:08.
Catharine Roth (corrected reference) on 3 March 2006@00:45:15.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 27 September 2012@03:58:55.
David Whitehead (coding) on 18 January 2016@08:29:42.


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