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Search results for epsilon,1869 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1869
Translated headword: hypothetically, conditionally
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristotle says that some faculties[1] hypothetically follow the character-dispositions[2] which they would make use of if they were to come into being in that [situation] in respect of which the faculties are useful. For example, the faculty [which] hypothetically follows mildness, which is a character-disposition, [is] the ability to master an anger both immoderate and inappropriate, if ever it fell on [someone].[3] So this faculty hypothetically follows mildness; for if someone were to get angry, he will master [the anger].
Greek Original:*)ec u(poqe/sews: o( *)aristote/lhs le/gei parakolouqei=n tai=s e(/cesi duna/meis tina\s e)c u(poqe/sews, ai(=s xrh/sainto a)/n, ei) e)n tou/tw| ge/nointo, pro\s o(/ ei)sin ai( duna/meis xrh/simoi. oi(=on th=| pra|o/thti e(/cei ou)/sh| parakolouqei= h( du/namis e)c u(poqe/sews to\ du/nasqai kratei=n o)rgh=s a)me/trou te kai\ mh\ proshkou/shs, ei)/ pote e)mpe/soi. e)c u(poqe/sews ou)=n h( du/namis au(/th th=| pra|o/thti e(/petai: ei) ga\r o)rgisqei/h, krath/sei.
From Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 344.23-345.5.
[1] For 'faculty' (
du/namis) in this sense, see
delta 1573.
[2] For 'character-dispositions' (
e(/xeis), see
epsilon 1767.
Aristotle declares mildness (
prao/ths: "gentleness" or "good temper") to be a mean with respect to anger (
Nicomachean Ethics 1125b26;
Eudemian Ethics 1231b25-26).
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 7 July 2003@12:57:37.
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