Suda On Line
Search results for epsilon,1862 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1862
Translated headword: from what I have
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] as it is possible for me, as I have power. Orestes says: "lord Apollo, hear the two of them[1] favorably, and me in addition, who have often stood before you, my hands offering many things of what I had. And now, Apollo Lykios, from what I have, I beg, I fall before you, I beseech, be a willing helper to us in these plans."
Greek Original:*)ec oi(/wn e)/xw: w(s e)/sti moi dunato/n, w(s duna/mews e)/xw. *)ore/sths fhsi/n: a)/nac *)/apollon, i(/lews au)toi=n klu/e, e)mou= te pro\s tou/toisin, h(/ se polla\ dh\ a)f' w(=n e)/xoimi, liparei= prou)/sthn xeri/. nu=n d', w)= *lu/ki' *)/apollon, e)c oi(/wn e)/xw, ai)tw=, prospitnw=, li/ssomai, genou= pro/frwn h(mi=n a)rwgo\s tw=nde tw=n bouleuma/twn.
Electra 1376-81 (web address 1), with glossing from a scholion on 1379. (But the Suda expands on it carelessly: the speaker is grammatically female, and is in fact Electra herself.)
[1] Orestes and Pylades.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 August 2007@16:49:49.
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