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Search results for epsilon,167 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,167
Translated headword: vessel-stand
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a certain item of furniture suitable for putting jars or basins or something not dissimilar on.
Greek Original:*)egguqh/kh: skeu=o/s ti pro\s to\ krath=ras h)\ le/bhtas h)/ ti toiou=ton ou)k a)llo/trion e)pikei=sqai e)pith/deion ei)=nai.
According to Harpokration s.v. (from which the present entry derives), a lost lawcourt speech attributed to
Lysias had been subtitled
Concerning the Vessel-stand: no.XLV in Carey's OCT (pp.363-4).
The headword is here in its usual form, but
e)gguoqh/kh occurs in Lucian,
Lexiphanes 2.
Keywords: daily life; definition; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 October 2000@05:03:21.
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