Out of desire a disease sometimes ensues; the very thing from which Antiochos the child [sic] of
Seleukos suffered. Then the condition was detected by doctors.[1]
*)ec e)/rwtos: o(/ti e)c e)/rwtos e)ni/ote no/sos e)pisumbai/nei: o(/per *)anti/oxos o( *seleu/kou pai=s e)/paqen. ei)=ta u(po\ i)atrw=n e)fwra/qh to\ pa/qos.
The unglossed headword phrase is evidently extracted, in this instance, from the body of the entry (but is also found elsewhere, from
Aeschines 1.134 onwards).
The entry as a whole is a rather poor summary of material presented more fully under
sigma 202 (and
epsilon 2896) -- itself a summary of Appian,
Syrica 308-313. Antiochos (ultimately Antichos I Soter, Macedonian king of Asia 281-261), son of
Seleukos I, is said to have fallen in love with and married his father's (second) wife Stratonike. See the note at
epsilon 2896.
[1] In fact one doctor, Erasistratos, according to Appian.
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