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Search results for epsilon,1546 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1546
Translated headword: danger-free, out of danger
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] healthy, and outside of ruin.[1]
"O Zeus, that I may become danger-free [in respect] of this disease!"[2]
nu is inserted for euphony.[3]
"But the wounded man having come out of the injury also accepts the third prize."[4]
Aelian [writes]: "but [his] daughter, who was ignorant of that man's schemes and plots against him, comes safe out of the evil [situation]."[5]
It is also an interjection.
"Being safe I see another man having my misfortune."
Plato [writes this] in
Greek Original:*)eca/nth: u(gih=, kai\ e)/cw a)/ths. w)= *zeu=, gene/sqai me th=sd' e)ca/nth nou/sou. to\ n e)/gkeitai di' eu)stomi/an. a)ta\r e)ca/nths tou= ptw/matos o( traumati/as geno/menos kai\ tri/ton a)=qlon a)spa/zetai. kai\ *ai)liano/s: quga/thr de/, h(/per h)=n oi( tw=n e)kei/nou mhxanw=n te kai\ e)piboulw=n a)maqh/s, e)ca/nths gi/netai tou= kakou=. e)/sti de\ kai\ e)pifw/nhma. e)ca/nths leu/sw tou)mo\n kako\n a)/llon e)/xonta. *pla/twn e)n *fai/drw|.
[1] Masculine/feminine accusative singular of
e)ca/nths; cf.
epsilon 1545.
[2] Tragic (or comic) fragment.
[3] That is, on the assumption that the adjective is derived from
e)c a)/ths, the
nu needs to be explained. For the entry so far, cf.
Platonic Lexicon,
Zenobius 3.95,
Hesychius, and other lexica.
[4] Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 2.18.22; quoted more fully at
sigma 100.
Aelian fr. 74h Domingo-Forasté (71 Hercher).
Zenobius 3.95, quoting
Phaedrus 244E. See Tosi (cited under
alpha 378) for more instances.
Keywords: athletics; biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; medicine; philosophy; proverbs; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 June 2007@00:48:23.
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