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Search results for epsilon,1529 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1529
Translated headword: exceptionally
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to an extreme. "For simultaneously to sacrifice and to propitiate the divinity, beseeching the altars exceptionally, which Prousias the king used to do, falling on his knees and acting like a woman, and at the same time to defile these things and to display one's contempt toward the divinity through the destruction of these things, are the works of a soul that is raving and standing on the outside of rationality."[1]
Greek Original:*)eca/llws: kaq' u(peroxh/n. to\ ga\r a(/ma me\n qu/ein kai\ e)cila/skesqai to\ qei=on, liparou=nta tou\s bwmou\s e)ca/llws, o(/per ei)/wqe *prousi/as o( basileu\s poiei=n gonupetw=n kai\ gunaikizo/menos, a(/ma de\ tau=ta lumai/nesqai kai\ dia\ th=s tou/twn katafqora=s th\n e)s to\ qei=on u(/brin diati/qesqai, luttw=ntos e)/rga kai\ yuxh=s e)cesthkui/as kai\ logismw=n.
[1] A paraphrase of
Polybios 32.15.7-8 (web address 1; = Constantine Porphyogenitus,
Excerpta de virtutibus 2.199.7). The same passage is paraphrased differently at
epsilon 1528 and
pi 2914.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; medicine; religion; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 18 August 2007@04:08:06.
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