[Meaning them] leaping up.[1]
Josephus [writes]: "...[that] those who were jumping out of their country while it was aflame on their account did not deserve rescuing."[2]
*)ecallome/nous: a)naskirtw=ntas. *)iw/shpos: ou)k a)ci/ous ei)=nai swthri/as tou\s flegome/nhs di' au)tou\s th=s patri/dos e)callome/nous.
[1] The headword is present participle, masculine accusative plural, of
e)ca/llomai; presumably extracted from the quotation given.
Jewish War 6.230 (Titus expressing contempt for Jewish deserters: web address 1). The headword is sometimes used in the context of abandoning a ship in distress (e.g. Achilles Tatius 3.3.4), and that is perhaps the metaphorical sense in which
Josephus is using it here.
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