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Search results for epsilon,1519 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1519
Translated headword: voluntarily
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning easily, readily.[1]
Polybius [writes]: "nor should we simply consider traitors those men who voluntarily devise common policy to serve certain kings or dynasts; nor those who, influenced by circumstances, persuade their own countries to change to new friendships and alliances from established ones -- not even these. Far from it: for often men of this kind have been responsible for the greatest benefits to their countries. And [taking] one's examples from the present circumstances themselves [...]".[2]
Greek Original:*)ec a)kerai/ou: a)nti\ tou= eu)xerw=s, eu)marw=s. *polu/bios: ou)/te tou\s e)c a)kerai/ou sumpeiqome/nous tw=n a)ndrw=n pro/s tinas basilei=s h)\ duna/stas koinwni/an pragma/twn eu)qe/ws prodo/tas nomiste/on, ou)/te tou\s kata\ perista/seis metatiqe/ntas ta\s au(tw=n patri/das a)po/ tinwn u(pokeime/nwn pro\s e(te/ras fili/as kai\ summaxi/as, ou)de\ tou/tous. pollou= ge dei=: e)pei/toige polla/kis oi( toiou=toi tw=n megi/stwn a)gaqw=n gego/nasin ai)/tioi tai=s patri/si. kai\ ta\ paradei/gmata e)c au)tw=n tw=n e)nestw/twn kairw=n.
LSJ s.v.
a)ke/raios notes other meanings of the headword phrase, in
Polybius (who was particularly fond of it: cf.
alpha 836,
epsilon 1520,
sigma 316) and elsewhere.
[1] For these glosses cf. generally
epsilon 3577.
Polybius 18.13.4-7 (here paraphrased at the end); cf.
pi 2369. (For 'to serve' as the correct understanding of
pro/s here see Walbank ad loc.)
Keywords: definition; ethics; historiography; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 June 2007@07:05:29.
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