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Search results for epsilon,1515 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1515
Translated headword: extraneous, irrelevant
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] outside the trial.[1]
The majority think that those competing on stage ought to be called [this], whenever either they omit one of the required statements or do[2] something inappropriate. But
Aeschines [uses the term] in reference to words being said 'outside the trial', that is [to ones] which ought not to have been said.[3]
Greek Original:*)ecagw/nios: e)/cw tou= a)gw=nos. oi( me\n polloi\ tou\s e)n tai=s skhnai=s a)gwnizome/nous oi)/ontai kalei=sqai dei=n, o(/tan h)\ paralei/pwsi/ ti tw=n e)c a)na/gkhs r(h/sewn h)\ poiei=n ti para\ to\ prosh=kon. *ai)sxi/nhs de\ e)pi\ tw=n e)/cw tou= a)gw=nos legome/nwn lo/gwn, toute/stin ou) proshko/ntwn ei)rh=sqai.
Same material, variously, in other lexica.
[1] A simple etymology from the preposition
e)/cw and the noun
a)/gwn (in the common sense of a contest in court).
[2] The infinitive
poiei=n is transmitted here; either it must be changed to
poiw=si (to balance
paralei/pwsi) or there is a lacuna. Previous editors have embraced one or the other of these options.
Aeschines 1.176 (not Adler's '1.171') where modern editions emend the paradosis
toi=s e)/cw tou= a)gw=nos lo/gois to
toi=s e)cagwni/ois lo/gois.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; law; rhetoric; stagecraft
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 May 2007@08:13:19.
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