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Search results for epsilon,1498 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1498
Translated headword: Enyalios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] warlike.[1]
Sophocles [uses the word]. For he distinguishes Ares from Enyalios, as a second divinity subordinate to the greater god.[2]
Arrian [writes]: "raising a cry to Enyalios they rushed against each other."[3]
And elsewhere: "forming a phalanx from their number, they attacked at a run, crying out to Enyalios."[4]
Greek Original:*)enua/lios: polemiko/s. *sofoklh=s. diaste/llei ga\r to\n *)/area a)po\ tou= *)enuali/ou, w(s e(/teron dai/mona u(pourgo\n tou= mei/zonos qeou=. *)arriano/s: oi( de\ tw=| *)enuali/w| a)lala/cantes e)nanti/oi e)fe/ronto. kai\ au)=qis: fa/lagga e)k sfw=n poihsa/menoi dro/mw| e)ph/|esan, a)lala/zontes tw=| *)enuali/w|.
See also
alpha 4112,
epsilon 2310,
pi 838,
pi 3225,
upsilon 7; for Enyo, the female counterpart of Enyalios, see
epsilon 1502.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica, and cf. a scholion on
Iliad 17.211 (where the headword occurs in lower case).
[2] From a scholion on
Ajax 179 (where Enyalios is mentioned).
[3] A fragment of Arrian's
Parthica or
From the death of Alexander.
[4] Arrian,
Indica fr. 24.7 Roos.
Keywords: definition; historiography; history; military affairs; mythology; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 May 2007@01:29:52.
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