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Search results for epsilon,1457 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1457
Translated headword: complete, perfect, whole
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "If anyone thinks that he will be complete without [sc. the assistance of] nature, he will continue to be so much the more incomplete and imperfect the greater skill he has".[1] ['complete'] meaning perfect.[2]
"Two whole Roman armies [...] were encamped."[3]
Greek Original:*)entelh/s: o(/stis oi)/etai a)/neu fu/sews e)ntelh\s e)/sesqai, a)telh\s kai\ a)pe/rantos to/sw| ma=llon, o(/sw| plei/ona e(/cin e)/xei, diatele/sei. a)nti\ tou= te/leios. e)ntelh= strato/peda e)ka/qhto du/o *(rwmai+ka/.
Keywords: definition; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 May 2007@21:48:02.
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