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Search results for epsilon,1456 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1456
Translated headword: complete
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] they who are ruling and they who have ruled.[1]
"[They] having prepared complete sets of armor." That is, [ones] suitable for a ruler.[2]
Appian [writes]: "when a naval battle occurred and an outcry from all together, because in this was the Carthaginians' last hope of deliverance, but for the Romans [hope] of a complete victory."[3]
Greek Original:*)entelei=s: oi( a)/rxontes, kai\ oi( a)/rcantes. panopli/as e)ntelei=s kataskeua/santes. toute/stin a)rxontika/s. *)appiano/s: naumaxi/as de\ genome/nhs kai\ boh=s pammigou=s w(s e)n tw=|de loipo\n *karxhdoni/ois th=s swthri/as ou)/shs, *(rwmai/ois de\ th=s ni/khs e)ntelou=s.
[1] Or: those in office and those who have held office. From
Platonic Lexicon. This sense of the adjective comes from the expression
oi( e)n te/lei: cf.
epsilon 1455,
epsilon 1457.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable, but note (by way of broad comparison)
Hesychius epsilon3333:
e)nte/leia: ta/cis a)rxontikh/.
[3] Appian,
Punica 122.
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; law; military affairs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 May 2007@01:15:18.
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