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Search results for epsilon,1441 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1441
Translated headword: adversary, opponent
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is opposed in any situation, but in a special sense applying to a [sc. legal] judgment, like
a)nti/dikos ["opposing party"]; but properly
e)nsta/ths is said [of] the person who stands against somebody on the road, as if one should say that Oedipus had become an adversary of Laios.[1]
Aelian in
On divine activities says: "in accordance with a certain oracular response, [he was] wanting to propitiate the divinity which had become an adversary to his household."[2] And elsewhere: "[he] was a most bitter adversary to them."[3]
Greek Original:*)ensta/ths: o( kata\ pa/nta e)nista/menos, i)dikw=s de\ e)pi\ th=s kri/sews, oi(=on a)nti/dikos: kuri/ws de\ e)nsta/ths le/getai, o( e)n th=| o(dw=| a)ntisth/kwn tini/, w(s ei) le/goi tis to\n *oi)di/poda tou= *lai/+ou e)nsta/thn gegenhme/non. kai\ *ai)liano\s e)n tw=| *peri\ qei/wn e)nargeiw=n fhsi/: kata/ tina xrhsmo\n boulhqei\s i(lew/sasqai to\n tw=| oi)/kw| au)tw=| gegenhme/non e)nsta/thn dai/mona. kai\ au)=qis: pikro/tatos au)toi=s e)nsta/ths h)=n.
[1] From a scholion on
Ajax 104, where Athena calls Odysseus an
e)nsta/ths of Ajax (web address 1). For Oedipus and his father Laios see
omicroniota 34.
Aelian fr. 23 Hercher, 23 Domingo-Forasté.
Aelian fr. 248 Hercher, 246 Domingo-Forasté.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; law; mythology; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 May 2007@00:50:01.
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