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Search results for epsilon,1426 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1426
Translated headword: to learn the potter's craft on a wine-jar
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proverbial saying in reference to those going beyond their first lessons and clutching at greater things. That is, disregarding their first lessons and striving for the final ones.
Greek Original:*)en pi/qw| th\n kerami/an manqa/nein: paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n ta\s prw/tas me\n maqh/seis u(perbaino/ntwn, a(ptome/nwn de\ tw=n meizo/nwn. toute/sti tw=n parie/ntwn ta\s prw/tas maqh/seis kai\ e)fieme/nwn tw=n teleutai/wn.
This proverb -- of those running before they can walk -- appears in e.g.
Plato (
Laches 187B, with scholion;
Gorgias 514E); cf. also
Zenobius 3.65 and other paroemiographers.
Keywords: daily life; philosophy; proverbs; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 April 2003@09:55:07.
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