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Search results for epsilon,1421 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1421
Translated headword: in every myth (there is) also the defilement of Daedalus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They say that Pasiphae was in love with a bull and begged Daedalus to make a wooden cow and rig it up and put her in it; and mounting her like a cow the bull made her pregnant. Out of her the Minotaur was born. Minos for certain reasons became angry with the Athenians and used to collect a tribute of seven virgins and an equal number of young men from them;[1] they were thrown to the beast. So since the origin and blame for these evils were attributed to Daedalus and he was loathed for them, he became the subject of the proverb.
Greek Original:*)en panti\ mu/qw| kai\ to\ *daida/lou mu/sos: *pasifa/hn fasi\n e)rasqei=san tau/rou *dai/dalon i(keteu=sai poih=sai culi/nhn bou=n kai\ kataskeua/santa au)th\n e)nqei=nai: h(\n e)pibai/nwn w(s bou=n o( tau=ros e)gku/mona e)poi/hsen. e)c h(=s e)gennh/qh o( *minw/tauros. *mi/nws de\ dia/ tinas ai)ti/as o)rgizo/menos toi=s *)aqhnai/ois e(pta\ parqe/nous kai\ i)/sous ne/ous e)c au)tw=n e)dasmologei=to: oi(\ pareba/llonto tw=| qhri/w|. ei)s *dai/dalon ou)=n a)rxhgo\n tou/twn tw=n kakw=n kai\ ai)/tion geno/menon kai\ musaxqe/nta e)chne/xqh ei)s paroimi/an.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; mythology; proverbs; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 8 July 2000@20:08:17.
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