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Headword: *(/enwsis
Adler number: epsilon,1418
Translated headword: union, unification
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] a common coming-together of discrete things.[1] In the Divine Scripture [this concept] has been expressed in accordance with ten modes. The word 'union' is used because of things being pressed together into a single thing. It occurs in accordance with ten modes.[2]
[i] In accordance with substance [ousia], as reference to the subsisting items [hypostases], that is the atoms [or: indivisible things].[3]
[ii] In accordance with subsistence [hypostasis], as in reference to soul and body.
[iii] In accordance with a stationary condition, as in reference to judgments, as [if] towards a single will.
[iv] In accordance with juxtaposition, as in reference to [sc. painted] panels.[4]
[v] In accordance with harmony, as in reference to stones.
[vi] In accordance with blending, as in reference to fluids, [such as] wine and water.[5]
[vii] In accordance with mixing, as in reference to dry and wet [things], [such as] wheatmeal and water.
[viii] In accordance with fusion, as in reference to molten [things], [such as] wax and pitch.[6]
[ix] In accordance with heaping up, as in reference to dry [things], [such as] wheat and barley.
[x] In accordance with coalescence, as in reference to things moving away from [something] and returning again; for example a lamp of fire approaching and returning again.[7]
Greek Original:
*(/enwsis: diestw/twn pragma/twn koinwnikh\ sundromh/. kata\ de/ka de\ tro/pous ei)/rhtai para\ th=| qei/a| grafh=|. e(/nwsis de\ ei)/rhtai dia\ to\ ei)s e(\n sunwqei=sqai ta\ pra/gmata. gi/netai de\ kata\ de/ka tro/pous. kat' ou)si/an, w(s e)pi\ tw=n u(posta/sewn, toute/sti tw=n a)to/mwn. kaq' u(po/stasin, w(s e)pi\ yuxh=s kai\ sw/matos. kata\ sxe/sin, w(s e)pi\ tw=n gnwmw=n, w(s ei)s e(\n qe/lhma. kata\ para/qesin, w(s e)pi\ tw=n sani/dwn. kata\ a(rmoni/an, w(s e)pi\ tw=n li/qwn. kata\ kra=sin, w(s e)pi\ tw=n u(grw=n, oi)/nou kai\ u(/datos. kata\ fu/rsin, w(s e)pi\ tw=n chrw=n kai\ u(grw=n, a)leu/rou kai\ u(/datos. kata\ su/gxusin, w(s e)pi\ tw=n thktw=n, khrou= kai\ pi/sshs. kata\ swrei/an, w(s e)pi\ tw=n chrw=n, si/tou kai\ kriqh=s. kata\ sunaloifh/n, w(s e)pi\ tw=n a)pospwme/nwn kai\ au)=qis a)pokaqistame/nwn, oi(=on lampa/dos puro\s proerxome/nhs, kai\ pa/lin a)pokaqistame/nhs.
cf. generally ps.-Zonaras 731.
[1] This definition echoes the phrase e(/nwsis tw=n diesthko/twn in Philo Judaeus, De aeternitate mundi 75.8, as part of a characterization of fate (ei(marme/nh) in the context of a Stoicizing doxography. (I am indebted to Oliver Phillips for having drawn my attention to this passage.) For this conception of fate as linking individual objects, see also Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights 7.2.3; Stobaeus, Eclogues 1.78.4-6.
[2] For what now follows cf. John of Damascus PG 94.661b.
[3] As the Trinity is said to have one ousia but three hypostases.
[4] Juxtaposition (para/qesis) is a sort of union or combination where bodies preserve their own substance and quality at their surface contact (as occurs with beans and grains of wheat when they are placed side by side; cf. Alexander of Aphrodisias, De mixtione 216.14-218.6, ed. Bruns = SVF 2.473, reporting the Stoic theory of mixture).
[5] A blending (kra=sis) is a mixture involving total interpenetration; the ingredients of the mixture preserve their own properties since, at least in theory, they can be separated again (see Alexander, De mixt. 216.25-217.2; included in SVF 2.473).
[6] "Fusion" (su/gxusis) is also a sort of "interpenetration", but in this case the components of the mixing lose their properties and a new stuff is produced; such as occurs with perfumes and medicinal potions (see again Alexander, De mixt. 216.22-25; included in SVF, 2. 473; cf. also Stobaeus, Ecl. I, p. 153, 24 ff., ed. Wachsmuth, included in SVF, 2.471).
[7] The expression "lamp [or torch] of fire" probably refers to the sun. If so, it is what everyone still experiences: the sun appears to leave me for the south, will halfway accomplish its journey on 21st September, and arrive for its winter vacation in December (Oliver Phillips).
Keywords: Christianity; definition; philosophy; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 5 September 2002@11:25:39.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 29 November 2002@00:40:26.
Catharine Roth (added reference) on 3 December 2002@17:28:52.
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 24 December 2002@07:43:52.
Catharine Roth (augmented translation, added a note) on 28 December 2002@13:13:35.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 28 August 2012@08:24:11.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr) on 16 August 2013@03:12:10.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 13 January 2016@03:26:42.


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