*)enw/n: e)nupa/rxwn. parh/ggeile mh\ a)/ra pou/ tis a)po\ th=s a)/llhs stratei/as e)nw\n e)phrea/zoi au)toi=s.
[1] Same headword (present participle, masculine nominative singular, of the verb
e)/neimi; presumably extracted from the quotation given) and gloss in ps.-
Zonaras epsilon732.17. For more elevated, philosophical uses of
e)nw/n see e.g.
Gorgias 513C;
Memorabilia 1.4.17,
Hieron 6.6.
[2] Again, slightly more fully, at
epsilon 2206. The quotation is unidentifiable (but probably historiographical, via the
Excerpta Constantini).
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