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Search results for epsilon,1403 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1403
Translated headword: guilty, liable
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] responsible.
Timaeus has made a [very severe] attack on
Ephorus, though he himself is guilty of two faults: that be bitterly accuses others for things of which he himself is guilty, and that he shows an utterly depraved mind by putting out such statements in his works."[1]
Greek Original:*)/enoxos: u(pai/tios. *ti/maios kata\ tou= *)efo/rou pepoi/htai katadromh/n, au)to\s w)\n dusi\n a(marth/masin e)/noxos, tw=| me\n o(/ti pikrw=s kathgorei= tw=n pe/las e)pi\ tou/tois oi(=s au)to\s e)/noxo/s e)sti, tw=| de\ o(/ti kaqo/lou die/fqartai th=| yuxh=|, toiau/tas a)pofa/seis e)ntiqe/menos toi=s u(pomnh/masi.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; historiography
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 May 2007@09:13:30.
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