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Search results for epsilon,14 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,14
Translated headword: they sit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [e(/atai]: e(w=,[1] e(/hmi, e(/emai,[2] h(=mai,[3] [all meaning] "I sit down," h(=ntai,[4] e(/atai in Ionic and with lengthening ei(/atai,[5] like me/mnhtai, memne/atai.
Greek Original:*(/eatai: e(w= e(/hmi e(/emai h(=mai, ka/qhmai, h(=ntai, e(/atai *)iwnikw=s kai\ pleonasmw=| ei(/atai, w(s me/mnhtai memne/atai.
cf. a scholion on
Iliad 3.134 (see web address 1), where the headword occurs; also
Hesychius and other lexica.
For the declension of
h(=mai, see Smyth §789 with 789 D (web address 2).
[1] Hypothetical thematic first person singular.
[2] Hypothetical athematic forms, cited by [ps.-]Herodian and George
Choeroboscus as first person singular.
[3] The regular first person singular.
[4] The regular Attic third person plural.
[5] Both
e(/atai and
ei(/atai occur in
Homer. The latter should be spelled
h(/atai; the former has a shortening of the initial vowel. The ending comes from
-ntai with a variant treatment of vocalic
n; cf.
epsiloniota 13.
P. Chantraine, Grammaire homérique (Paris 1973) I.71
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 June 2003@16:57:40.
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