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Adler number: epsilon,1348
Translated headword: Ennius, Ennios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Roman poet, whom
Aelian[1] says is worthy to be commended. For he sang of Scipio and he wanted to elevate the man to greatness and said that only
Homer could sing praises worthy of Scipio. [It is] clear that he had been amazed at the great intelligence of the poet and the worth and magnificence of his meters;[2] and the Messapian poet[3] knew well that
Homer was powerful enough to commend and to raise and exalt the glory of a man, from [the verses with] which he glorified Achilles.
Greek Original:*)/ennios, *(rwmai=os poihth/s: o(\n *ai)liano\s e)painei=n a)/cio/n fhsi. *skipi/wna ga\r a)/|dwn kai\ e)pi\ me/ga to\n a)/ndra e)ca=rai boulo/meno/s fhsi mo/non a)\n *(/omhron e)paci/ous e)pai/nous ei)pei=n *skipi/wnos. dh=lon de\ w(s e)teqh/pei tou= poihtou= th\n megalo/noian kai\ tw=n me/trwn to\ megalei=on kai\ a)cia/gaston: kai\ w(s e)paine/sai deino\s *(/omhro/s e)sti kai\ kle/os a)ndro\s purgw=sai/ te kai\ a)=rai, e)c w(=n e)ph/|nese to\n *)axille/a, kalw=s h)pi/stato o( poihth\s o( *messa/pios.
OCD(4) 506-7.
Quintus Ennius (239-169) introduced the dactylic hexameter for Latin epic in his
Annales, as well as adapting Greek tragedies to Latin. He also wrote an encomium, the main subject of the present entry, on Scipio Africanus. (For another of his friends see
pi 2215.)
Aelian fr. 119 Domingo-Forasté, 116 Hercher (i.e. the present material).
[2] Quoted again at
mu 359.
[3] Before his naturalization as a Roman citizen (in 184) Ennius had originated from Messapia, in the "heel" of S Italy; see generally OCD(4) 937.
Keywords: biography; epic; geography; meter and music; mythology; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 March 2001@12:23:56.
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