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Search results for epsilon,1330 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1330
Translated headword: year
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Hebrews "number the year according to the lunar course, so that amongst them the month has 29 and a half days. So since the solar cycle has 365 [days], but the lunar [cycle] has 354, the solar year exceeds the lunar year by 11 days. Consequently Greeks and Jews insert three intercalary months [in] eight [years]."[1]
Greek Original:*)eniauto/s: oi( *(ebrai=oi to\n e)niauto\n kata\ to\n selhniako\n dro/mon a)riqmou=sin, w(/ste to\n mh=na h(merw=n ei)=nai par' au)toi=s kq# h(/misu, w(s tou= me\n h(liakou= ku/klou u(pa/rxontos tce#, tou= de\ selhniakou= tnd#, w(s to\n h(liako\n paralla/ssein e)niauto\n h(me/ras ia# tou= selhniakou= e)niautou=. w(/ste *(/ellhnes kai\ *)ioudai=oi mh=nas trei=s e)mboli/mous o)ktw\ paremba/llousin.
George the Monk, Chronicon 306.15-20.
[1] The transmitted text of this final sentence robs it of sense by omitting George's e)/tesin before o)ktw/.
Keywords: Christianity; chronology; geography; historiography; mathematics; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 October 2005@01:39:44.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 21 October 2005@03:42:57.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr and notes; more keywords) on 27 August 2012@05:00:39.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 7 November 2014@02:08:54.
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