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Search results for epsilon,131 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,131
Translated headword: ash-baked
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] loaf of bread covered in wood-ash. The 3 measures of flour, out of which the e)gkrufi/as was made, alludes to the three-day burial of the Bread of Life.
Greek Original:*)egkrufi/as: a)/rtos e)n spodw=| kekrumme/nos. ta\ de\ g# me/tra th=s semida/lews, e)c w(=n o( e)gkrufi/as e)gi/neto, th\n trih/meron tou= a)/rtou th=s zwh=s tafh\n u(paini/ttetai.
Comment on
Genesis 18.6
LXX (Abraham bids Sarah make bread for the visiting angels); again at
sigma 218. Adler does not identify the source, but it is identifiable via the TLG as John of Damascus,
Homilia in sabbatum sanctum PG 96.624.
See also
Deipnosophists 3.110B (3.74 Kaibel), who writes of
o( par' *)Attikoi=s e)gkrufi/as, i.e. 'in Attic writers' (though Gulick in the Loeb edition renders the phrase 'of the Athenians'). He also says that 'Alexandrians' had such bread, provided for all-comers in 'the temple of Kronos'.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; imagery; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 25 April 2005@21:18:10.
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