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Search results for epsilon,1280 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1280
Translated headword: to bring
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. This comes] from e)ne/kw, [future] e)ne/cw, [aorist] h)/neka,[1] [and] with a superfluous iota h)/neika and [the infinitive] e)nei=kai. The extra iota is added because every aorist which does not have sigma or ksi or psi tends to end with a long syllable, like e)/keira, e)/neima,[2] h)/neika.
Greek Original:*)enei=kai: a)po\ tou= e)ne/kw, e)ne/cw, h)/neka, pleonasmw=| tou= i h)/neika kai\ e)nei=kai. e)pleo/nase de\ to\ i, dio/ti pa=s a)o/ristos mh\ e)/xwn s1 h)\ c h)\ y makra=| qe/lei paralh/gesqai, oi(=on e)/keira, e)/neima, h)/neika.
Similarly in other lexica.
[1] Hypothetical forms
[2] These two examples,
e)/keira and
e)/neima, are instances of aorists from liquid stems, where the sigma combining with the liquid or nasal disappears leaving a lengthening of the preceding vowel. Hence this explanation fails to account for
h)/neika. See also
epsilon 1279,
eta 382.
Keyword: dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 August 2006@22:04:20.
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