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Search results for epsilon,1257 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1257
Translated headword: tying up their hair in a knot with a fastener
Vetting Status: high
Translation: That is, with a binding or a braid. A krw/bulos is a kind of waving of the hair, from both sides ending in a point.
Greek Original:*)ene/rsei krw/bulon a)nadou/menoi: toute/stin e)n ei)se/rsei h)\ sumplokh=|. krw/bulos de/ e)stin ei)=dos ple/gmatos tw=n trixw=n, a)po\ e(kate/rwn ei)s o)cu\ katalh=gon.
Similarly in a scholion on
Thucydides 1.6.5, where the headword phrase occurs (on early Athenian hairstyles). See also
kappa 2488,
kappa 2489,
kappa 2490.
The noun
e)/nersis in the dative appears also at
epsilon 1256, referring to a different kind of fastener.
Keywords: clothing; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 16 April 2007@21:23:46.
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