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Search results for epsilon,1192 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1192
Translated headword: you are sleeping Endymion's sleep
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The proverb is applied to somnolent people; [it arose] because Sleep became enamoured of Endymion while he was still sleeping, and they say that he was intimate with him [in that state].
Greek Original:*)endumi/wnos u(/pnon kaqeu/deis: e)pi\ tw=n u(pnhlw=n ei)/rhtai h( paroimi/a: dia\ to\ to\n *(/upnon e)rasqh=nai *)endumi/wnos kai\ e)/ti kaqeu/dein, kai\ su\n au)tw=| ei)=nai fasi/.
Zenobius 3.76, etc.
On Endymion -- of whom a variety of stories were told -- see OCD(4) s.v.
Keywords: daily life; gender and sexuality; medicine; mythology; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 April 2003@08:56:50.
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