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Search results for epsilon,1183 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1183
Translated headword: signal, prelude
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "The boatswains gave the signal to the oarsmen, but at the sign [the oarsmen] shouted all together with their onslaught."[1]
And in addition to this [the word]
e)/ndosis [is used].[2]
[The word]
e)ndo/simon [also means] a cause of motion and beginning.[3] "The [instrumental] music [is] such as to be a prelude for the song."[4]
Greek Original:*)endo/simon: oi( de\ keleustai\ toi=s e)re/tais to\ e)ndo/simon e)ne/dosan, oi( de\ e)pi\ th=| e)ndo/sei a)qro/oi tw=| r(oqi/w| e)phla/lacan. kai\ *)/endosis e)pi\ tou/tw|. *)endo/simon, kinh/sews kai\ a)rxh=s ai)/tion. o( de\ yalmo\s oi(=os e)ndo/simos ei)=nai th=| w)|dh=|.
[1] Arrian,
Parthica fr.61; cf.
kappa 1297 (not Adler's '1287').
[2] Translated 'sign' in the Arrian quotation (to which this comment perhaps refers).
[3] cf.
Epistle 4.162a.
[4] Part of a longer quotation at
mu 1303.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; meter and music; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 April 2007@01:39:30.
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