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Search results for epsilon,117 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,117
Translated headword: encomium
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Encomium] differs from praise.[1] For praise is a laudatory discourse praising one action, but encomium [is] an encomiastic discourse encompassing in itself many actions. And a letter praising one action of someone is called 'epainetic', but 'encomiastic' [when praising] many [such actions].
Greek Original:*)egkw/mion e)pai/nou diafe/rei: e)/painos me\n ga/r e)sti lo/gos e)painetiko\s mi/an pra=cin e)painw=n, e)gkw/mion de\ lo/gos e)gkwmiastiko\s polla\s e)n e(autw=| pra/ceis perilamba/nwn. kai\ e)pistolh\ h( mi/an pra=cin e)painou=sa/ tinos e)painetikh\ kalei=tai, h( de\ polla\s e)gkwmiastikh/.
The definitions and distinctions here, however divorced from common usage, are also found in other ancient commentators, scholiasts and rhetorical theorists: see e.g.
Progymnasmata 15.6 Rabe; the
scholia to
Isocrates 9.5; [
Characteres Epistolici 30.2-7.
[1] cf.
Rhetoric 1367b28-1368a9.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 3 June 2004@13:06:37.
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