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Search results for epsilon,1169 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1169
Translated headword: endeixis, exposure
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A lawsuit[1] brought against those who were in debt and [sc. nevertheless] making public speeches. For someone in debt was not permitted to speak, or even to have complete citizen rights. Consequently, if a debtor held office too, he was exposed. Now[2] also the e)/ndeicis [procedure] applies to exiles returning where they shouldn't.
Greek Original:*)/endeicis: di/kh kata\ tw=n o)feilo/ntwn kai\ dhmhgorou/ntwn. ou) ga\r e)ch=n le/gein, ou)d' o(/lws e)pi/timon ei)=nai o)fei/lonta. w(/ste ei) kai\ h)=rxe/ tis o)fei/lwn, e)nedei/knuto. h)/dh de\ kai\ e)pi\ tw=n fuga/dwn o(/pou mh\ e)/cesti katio/ntwn, h( e)/ndeicis.
See also
epsilon 1170,
epsilon 1171 (and contrast
epsilon 1168).
[1] In classical
[2] The transmitted
h)/dh (which is translated here) was corrected to
h)=n by M.H.E.Meier. With Meier's emendation the translation would run, "the
e)/ndeicis also applied to exiles returning where they shouldn't."
M.H. Hansen, Apagoge, Endeixis and Ephegesis (Odense 1976)
Keywords: constitution; daily life; definition; economics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 May 2003@08:58:50.
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