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Search results for epsilon,1096 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1096
Translated headword: return of a slave
Vetting Status: high
Translation: When a slave has been sold but has some sickness not disclosed in advance by the seller, the law [sc. in classical
Athens] encourages the buyer, once he has registered his complaint with the authorities, to resolve the problem with the seller.
Greek Original:*)enagwgh\ oi)ke/tou: tou= praqe/ntos oi)ke/tou, ei)/ ti e)/xei no/shma, ei) mh\ proei/poi o( pwlw=n, e)fi/hsin o( no/mos tw=| w)nhsame/nw| diakri/nesqai pro\s to\n peprako/ta, pro/teron a)pograya/menon pro\s ta\s a)rxa\s th\n ai)ti/an.
Hypereides, The Forensic Speeches: introduction, translation and commentary by David Whitehead (Oxford 2000) 309-311
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; ethics; law; medicine; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 2 November 2000@05:36:17.
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