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Search results for epsilon,109 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,109
Translated headword: hurry!
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] get moving, speed up. [The word arises] either since runners get covered with dust[1] or from the [sc. predicament of] athletes: for their work occurs in the dust; or because they win before touching the dust.
Aristophanes in
Wealth [writes]: "go, hurry, rush, as it's not the time to hesitate; things are right at the point."[2]
Greek Original:*)egkonei=te: e)nergei=te, taxu/nate. h)\ e)pei\ oi( tre/xontes ko/news plhrou=ntai h)\ a)po\ tw=n a)qlhtw=n: e)n ko/nei ga\r e)kei/nwn to\ e)/rgon: h)\ o(/ti pro\ tou= th=s ko/news a(/yasqai nikw=sin. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: i)/t', e)gkonei=te, speu/deq', w(s o( kairo\s ou)xi\ me/llein, a)ll' e)/st' e)p' au)th=s th=s a)kmh=s.
[1] This etymology is based on the apparent connection between the words "hurry" (
e)gkonei=te) and "dust" (
ko/nis). For forms of the same verb see
epsilon 107,
epsilon 108,
epsilon 110, and, for a nominal derivative,
epsilon 111.
Wealth [
Plutus] 255-6 (web address 1), the
scholia to which are the source for the rest of the entry.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: athletics; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; poetry
Translated by: William Hutton on 20 September 2006@05:07:49.
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