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Search results for epsilon,1088 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1088
Translated headword: polluted
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning them who are] impure, ill-omened.[1]
Damascius [writes]: "he rejected them utterly as incurably polluted, and nothing persuaded him to accept association with them -- not extraordinary wealth, not eminent social position, not irresistible political power, nor any tyrannical malignity."[2]
Greek Original:*)enagei=s: bebh/lous, a)potropai/ous. *dama/skios: tou\s de\ panta/pasin a)pewqei=to w(s e)nagei=s o)/ntas kai\ a)nia/tous, ou)de/n te au)to\n e)dusw/pei prosde/xesqai sfw=n th\n o(mili/an, ou) plou=tos e)cai/sios, ou) perifa/neia politei/as, ou) dunastei/a a)/maxos, ou) kakoh/qeia turannikh/ tis.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 16 May 2003@18:12:15.
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