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Search results for epsilon,1070 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1070
Translated headword: impression
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] display.
Polybius [writes]: "this abuse and impressions no educated man would have proffered, nor even one selling his body in a brothel. But [
Timaeus], in order to gain credence for his shameful words and the rest of his shamelessness has brought an additional falsehood against the man, adducing as his witness some worthless comic poet".[1]
Greek Original:*)/emfasis: e)/ndeicis. *polu/bios: tau/thn de\ th\n loidori/an kai\ ta\s e)mfa/seis ou)x oi(=on a)/n tis die/qeto pepaideume/nos a)nh/r, a)ll' ou)de\ tw=n a)po\ te/gous a)/xri tou= sw/matos ei)rgasme/nwn ou)dei/s. o( d' i(/na pisto\s fanh=| kata\ th\n ai)sxrologi/an kai\ th\n a)/llhn a)naisxunti/an kai\ proskate/yeustai ta)ndro\s kwmiko/n tina ma/rtura prosepispasa/menos a)nw/numon.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history
Translated by: David Whitehead on 6 April 2007@09:36:18.
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