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Search results for epsilon,1019 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1019
Translated headword: fill up
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Attic [form]: for there was a common [koine] [imperative] from pi/plhmi, pi/plaqi, like i(/staqi. There is also something similar in the Poet: "Cyclops, take [th=], drink wine."[1] For in [verbs] ending with -mi, Attic-speakers do not turn the m into q in the imperatives or shorten the stem vowel as the common dialect [koine] does: i(/sthmi, i(/staqi, but they [say] i(/sth; [also] pi/plhmi, pi/plaqi. But the Attic-speakers drop the -mi completely, saying pi/plh and e)mpi/plh. Thus also from th=mi [comes] th=, meaning "take."
Greek Original:*)empi/plh: *)attiko/n: h)=n ga\r to\ koino\n a)po\ tou= pi/plhmi, pi/plaqi, w(s i(/staqi. o(/moion de/ e)sti kai\ to/, ku/klwy th= pi/e oi)=non, para\ tw=| poihth=|. *)attikoi\ ga\r ou) tre/pousin e)pi\ tw=n ei)s mi to\ m ei)s q e)n toi=s prostaktikoi=s kai\ suste/llousi th\n paralh/gousan w(s h( koinh/: i(/sthmi, i(/staqi, au)toi\ de\ i(/sth: pi/plhmi, pi/plaqi: *)attikoi\ de\ telei/an a)pobolh\n th=s mi poiou=si pi/plh le/gontes kai\ e)mpi/plh. ou(/tw kai\ a)po\ tou= th=mi to\ th=, a)nti\ tou= la/be.
From a scholion on
Birds 1310, where the headword occurs (web address 1). On imperatives of
mi verbs, see Smyth ยง751 with 751D (web address 2).
Odyssey 9.347 (web address 3); cf.
tau 462.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; food
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 1 March 2007@01:14:50.
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