Suda On Line
Search results for epsilon,1014 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1014
Translated headword: to jump on
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[They] convicting Kleon the cormorant of bribery and of theft".[1]
"I did not dare to jump on him again when he was down". That is, I was [not so] rash.[2]
Greek Original:*)emphdh=sai. *kle/wna to\n la/ron dw/rwn e(lo/ntes kai\ kloph=s. ou)k e)tolmhs' au)=qis e)mphdh=sai au)tw=| keime/nw|. toute/stin e)kore/sqhn.
Clouds 591. The true gloss comes in an earlier line from this play (see the next note); this present one does not do much beyond naming Kleon (
kappa 1731) as the individual concerned.
Clouds 550, with scholion.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; economics; ethics; imagery; law; politics; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 2 November 2000@05:00:51.
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