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Search results for delta,997 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,997
Translated headword: falsely-hospitable, guest-dissembling
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] those totally deceiving foreigners and lying by dissimulation and acting. [Said of] the Laconians; among whom also existed the law about expulsion of foreigners.[1] That the Laconians were disgracefully-covetous[2] and small-minded is shown by the oracle 'Love of money shall destroy
Sparta, but naught else'.[3] They were also misanthropes regarding foreigners, and it was not permitted to any individual foreigner to set foot in
Sparta all the time, but [only] on specified days.
Greek Original:*dieirwno/cenoi: e)capatw=ntes tou\s ce/nous kai\ yeudo/menoi di' ei)rwnei/as kai\ u(pokri/sews. oi( *la/kwnes: par' oi(=s kai\ o( th=s cenhlasi/as e)/keito no/mos. o(/ti de\ ai)sxrokerdei=s kai\ mikrolo/goi oi( *la/kwnes, dhloi= o( xrhsmo/s: a( filoxrhmati/a *spa/rtan o)lei=, a)/llo de\ ou)de/n. h)=san de\ kai\ peri\ tou\s ce/nous a)pa/nqrwpoi, kai\ ou)k e)co\n ce/nw| tini\ a)ei\ th=s *spa/rths e)pibai/nein, a)ll' w(risme/nais h(me/rais.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; history; law; proverbs; religion
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 18 January 2002@03:49:19.
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