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Search results for delta,99 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,99
Translated headword: Daphidas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Telmessos.[1] Grammarian. He wrote about
Homer and his poetry, [claiming] that he did not tell the truth: for the Athenians did not fight at
This man was indiscriminately abusive, and did not spare even the gods.
Attalus the king of Pergamum plotted against him for this reason. [Daphidas] once went to the Pythia[2] and mocked the oracle; with a laugh he asked whether he would find his horse. The answer was that he would find it quickly. Then he made it widely known that he did not even have a horse -- and had not lost one. As he was returning
Attalus captured him and ordered that he be thrown down a cliff. The place where this happened was called Horse; and he realised before his death that the oracle did not lie. So having behaved outrageously he came to a bad end.[3]
Greek Original:*dafi/das, *telmisseu/s, grammatiko/s, gegrafw\s peri\ *(omh/rou kai\ th=s au)tou= poih/sews o(/ti e)yeu/sato: *)aqhnai=oi ga\r ou)k e)stra/teusan e)pi\ *)/ilion. h)=n de\ ou(=tos loidorou/menos panti\ kai\ me/xris au)tw=n mh\ feido/menos tw=n qew=n. kai\ *)/attalon me\n to\n basile/a *perga/mou dia\ tou=to e)/xein au)tw=| e)pibouleu/onta. ei)s de\ th\n *puqi/an e)lqo/nta pote\ skw/ptein ei)s to\ mantei=on kai\ e)pigelw=nta e)re/sqai, ei) to\n i(/ppon eu(rh/sei. xrhsqh=nai de\ au)tw=|, eu(rh/sein taxe/ws. ei)=ta e)kei=non diaqrulh=sai tou=to, o(/ti mhde\ h)=n au)tw=| i(/ppos, mhde\ a)pw/leto. a)naxwrh/santa de\ sullabo/menos *)/attalos e)pe/tace katakrhmnisqh=nai. e)n w(=| de\ to/pw| tou=to e)ge/neto, e)kalei=to *(/ippos o( to/pos. kai\ e)/gnw pro\s tw=| qana/tw|, mh\ e)yeu=sqai to\ lo/gion. ou(/tws ou)=n e)nubri/sas kakw=s a)pw/leto.
C2 BC. See generally RE Daphitas; NP Daphitas.
[1] In
[2] The priestess of Apollo at
Delphi (
pi 3127). On this alleged episode see J. Fontenrose,
The Delphic Oracle (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1978) Q239, with pp.58-62 on what he calls this "
Jerusalem Chamber" type of oracular warning; Q240 is another version of it.
[3] Adler cites (with approval) Wilamowitz' attribution of this material to
Keywords: biography; epic; ethics; geography; military affairs; mythology; religion; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 23 June 2000@10:52:39.
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