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Headword: *dafi/das
Adler number: delta,99
Translated headword: Daphidas
Vetting Status: high
Of Telmessos.[1] Grammarian. He wrote about Homer and his poetry, [claiming] that he did not tell the truth: for the Athenians did not fight at Troy.
This man was indiscriminately abusive, and did not spare even the gods. Attalus the king of Pergamum plotted against him for this reason. [Daphidas] once went to the Pythia[2] and mocked the oracle; with a laugh he asked whether he would find his horse. The answer was that he would find it quickly. Then he made it widely known that he did not even have a horse -- and had not lost one. As he was returning Attalus captured him and ordered that he be thrown down a cliff. The place where this happened was called Horse; and he realised before his death that the oracle did not lie. So having behaved outrageously he came to a bad end.[3]
Greek Original:
*dafi/das, *telmisseu/s, grammatiko/s, gegrafw\s peri\ *(omh/rou kai\ th=s au)tou= poih/sews o(/ti e)yeu/sato: *)aqhnai=oi ga\r ou)k e)stra/teusan e)pi\ *)/ilion. h)=n de\ ou(=tos loidorou/menos panti\ kai\ me/xris au)tw=n mh\ feido/menos tw=n qew=n. kai\ *)/attalon me\n to\n basile/a *perga/mou dia\ tou=to e)/xein au)tw=| e)pibouleu/onta. ei)s de\ th\n *puqi/an e)lqo/nta pote\ skw/ptein ei)s to\ mantei=on kai\ e)pigelw=nta e)re/sqai, ei) to\n i(/ppon eu(rh/sei. xrhsqh=nai de\ au)tw=|, eu(rh/sein taxe/ws. ei)=ta e)kei=non diaqrulh=sai tou=to, o(/ti mhde\ h)=n au)tw=| i(/ppos, mhde\ a)pw/leto. a)naxwrh/santa de\ sullabo/menos *)/attalos e)pe/tace katakrhmnisqh=nai. e)n w(=| de\ to/pw| tou=to e)ge/neto, e)kalei=to *(/ippos o( to/pos. kai\ e)/gnw pro\s tw=| qana/tw|, mh\ e)yeu=sqai to\ lo/gion. ou(/tws ou)=n e)nubri/sas kakw=s a)pw/leto.
C2 BC. See generally RE Daphitas; NP Daphitas.
[1] In Lykia.
[2] The priestess of Apollo at Delphi (pi 3127). On this alleged episode see J. Fontenrose, The Delphic Oracle (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1978) Q239, with pp.58-62 on what he calls this "Jerusalem Chamber" type of oracular warning; Q240 is another version of it.
[3] Adler cites (with approval) Wilamowitz' attribution of this material to Aelian.
Keywords: biography; epic; ethics; geography; military affairs; mythology; religion; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 23 June 2000@10:52:39.
Vetted by:
Malcolm Heath on 23 June 2000@14:23:52.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 15 August 2001@09:20:03.
David Whitehead (another note; another keyword) on 10 February 2011@09:14:37.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 15 June 2012@12:41:13.


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