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Search results for delta,887 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,887
Translated headword: arbitrators
Vetting Status: high
Translation: When men had passed the age of fifty and had a completely blameless record, [the Athenians] used to pick them at random from the deme register[s] and have them arbitrate disputes betwen citizens. Aliens, however, were not allowed to participate. Those who found fault with an arbitration could appeal in the people's court.
Greek Original:*diaithtai/: tou\s u(pe\r penth/konta e)/th gegono/tas kai\ kaqarou\s pa/shs ai)ti/as u(peilhmme/nous, a)po\ tou= lhciarxikou= grammatei/ou klhrw/santes ta\ tw=n politw=n diaita=n e)poi/oun. ce/nois me/ntoi ge e)pi\ tou=to e)lqei=n ou) sugkexw/rhto. e)/cesti de\ toi=s memfome/nois di/aitan e)kkalei=sqai to\ dhmo/sion dikasth/rion.
Comparably in
Hesychius (delta1032) and other lexica, and cf. also the
scholia to
Laws 920D, where (Magnesian) arbitration is mentioned. See also
delta 888.
Keywords: constitution; definition; ethics; history; law; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 May 2003@05:59:58.
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