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Search results for delta,860 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,860
Translated headword: teacher
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The rule [is]: dai/w, I am learning, [future] dai/sw,[whence] dai/+skw, and by dropping the iota, da/skw (since the words in common use which end in kw do not tend to have a diphthong); with reduplication dida/skw ["I teach"], and from this dida/skalos ["teacher"].
Greek Original:*dida/skalos: kanw/n: dai/w, to\ manqa/nw, dai/sw, dai/+skw, kai\ a)pobolh=| tou= i, da/skw: e)peidh\ ta\ ei)s kw koinolektou/mena ou) qe/lousi di/fqoggon e)/xein: a)nadiplasiasmw=| dida/skw, kai\ e)c au)tou= dida/skalos.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 April 2004@22:35:13.
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